white question mark on black background.

The Black Friday Agony Aunt

Black Friday 2022. How on earth are you going to approach it? This year is going to be a sale with a difference. 

Consumers are much more likely to be looking for quality products at affordable prices this time around. There’s never been a better opportunity for changing the perception of your brand than 25th November. Don’t disappoint your audience with a clearout sale, put more thought into it, and be remembered. 

Ahead of the biggest shopping day of the year, we reached out to some of our clients to find out their major pain points, before giving them our agony aunt advice. Keep reading to find out more.

“The market is mad during the Black Friday period. How are we meant to keep up with our competitors if they’re just slashing their prices?” 

- Social Media Manager

It’s a cliche, but you have to think outside the box if you want to hit your Black Friday sales targets. Especially if you’re a smaller business.

Avoid discounting the products that are already going out of season, or are cheaper anyway. Slash the prices on products your audience actually wants, but limit the amount of items available to create “hype” around it. You could also have no discount on your products, and introduce a whole new product for Black Friday!

Look at streetwear brands like Corteiz. They had the industry raving about them back in January thanks to their word-of-mouth sales campaign. In a limited-edition drop of 50 jackets, their fans could only get their hands on a piece if they swapped it for a jacket from another brand like Stüssy, Moncler or The North Face. Corteiz’s founder Clint then donated each of the 50 swapped jackets to a London homeless shelter, which meant everyone was talking. 

You can’t (and shouldn’t) replicate what Corteiz did. But going against the grain of your main challengers and getting your audience talking will help reach your goals. 

A trolley filled with cash, next to a sign that says SALE. This is on a pastel background

“Can our website cope with the demand of a surge in visitors?” 

- CRM/Ecommerce Executive

Well that entirely depends on how well your website has been built, and whether your hosting provider can cope with a huge amount of traffic at once. Your audience expects your website to be fast at all times, and if anyone bounces off the page while their products are in the basket, that’ll affect your potential sales massively. 

We’ve already pre-warned the hosts of all our clients to expect a surge in audiences around the Black Friday rush. Have you warned your hosts? Ignore them at your peril.

“Not every department is on the same page to make sure we get the best possible products or the best possible offer in front of our audience.” 

- Digital Marketing Executive

Ensuring that merchandising, digital, creative and senior departments are all singing from the same hymn sheet can be a pain, but it’s a crucial strategy that will reap the rewards. 

If you have the numbers to show your senior team how poorly your Black Friday went because of a lack of planning, tell them as early as possible. This will help them realise how getting sign-off on a Black Friday strategy well in advance pays dividends down the line. 

The earlier you can get a signoff, the more likely you can reward existing customers who are loyal to your brand. For those team members who are thinking about the bottom line, you’re also much more likely to acquire new customers who want to spend money with an early and effective Black Friday strategy

If you need to give them a little push, contact us for our Black Friday Keyword Guide, it will show them just how big the search volumes are in your sector. And if you need a little helping hand on your social strategy in Q4, download our social calendar here

“We’re currently in a cost of living crisis, are people actually going to be spending money on Black Friday? If not, why should I spend money on a campaign that might not return anything?” 


Yes! Research undertaken by Future has found that they expect 91% of consumers to be as engaged or more engaged with Black Friday this year. 

These shoppers have had a tough year, but they’re planning to spend most of their Christmas present budget on or before the 25th of November. This means that your brand is much more likely to be remembered if you effectively market it for Black Friday 2022. 

We know businesses are feeling the effect of rising costs, too. If you’re unsure where to allocate tight budgets, consider Black Friday over your usual Christmas promotions. We can expect shoppers to be looking earlier and budgeting their Christmas haul well before the November pay cheque clears.

If there’s a product that may be just out of reach for most of the year, put it on sale. Consumers would much rather fork out for one amazing purchase, than be shown loads of old stock with their prices heavily reduced. 

“We’ve run out of resources to absolutely nail our Black Friday strategy, help!”

- Head of Marketing

You’ve come to the right place! seventy7 is an integrated, multichannel marketing agency. We can help you plan your campaign from start to finish. Then we’ll execute it through gorgeous photography, beautiful design and inspiring words, before getting it in front of the right audience through our digital team.

We've done it for other brands we've worked with and we can do it for you. We’ll hit your targets by making your voice heard in a sea of noise this Black Friday. Wanna talk about it? Drop us a line here.

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